Friday, April 29, 2011

Introducing Worship in Real Life

I refer to the first few songs at the beginning of a service as, "worship." That serves to communicate to others that I am referring to the music portion, but misses the bigger point. The whole service is worship. From the opening chords to the sermon to the offering, it's all worship. But, that still misses the point. From the time I open my eyes in the morning and while I am getting ready to go to church, to the ride home in the car - that's all worship. Which still misses the bigger point: with every breath I take, thought I think, move I make I am worshiping God. At least, that is the goal. Romans 12:1 reads, "So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship." (NCV) I don't get this right all the time. Every thought I think is not exactly worship, for starters. But my ability to tell God I am sorry and through His grace and mercy try again as the Holy Spirit transforms me from within - that's awesome. And that is worship. So in at least that way, we all can lead worship. We can model loving God and loving others. We can demonstrate forgiveness. We can show compassion. And if we feel like we have blown it so badly we don't deserve forgiveness, we are right. But God forgives us anyway. To accept that forgiveness on a daily and even moment by moment basis is worship. That's worship in real life, and that's just for starters.

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